After a scan of your domain you may see one or several unknown services on the scan results overview, which you can find under the Service Settings menu item, on the DPS Scanner tab.
These items will be marked Todo in the Status column and "unknown" in the Service column.
"Unknown" in this context means that no predefined Data Processing Service (DPS) was found for this service.
In order to be able to display the service on you consent banner and to be able to allow the auto blocking feature to identify and block the service prior consent, the service must be mapped to a DPS.
Best practice suggestion
It is recommended to ensure no items remain with the Todo status. You should either map the service to a DPS or ignore the service in question.
Please note
When a service is mapped to a DPS a blocker node will automatically be added to the instructions file for the auto blocking feature.
You don't have to perform a new scan to update the instructions file.
Manually mapping to a custom DPS
If you recognize the unknown service and have previously added a custom DPS, you can map the unknown service to this existing DPS.
If this is the first time this service was detected during a scan, you will need to create a new custom DPS.
A manually mapped service will be listed as status Done and will be listed as the DPS you assigned this service to.
You will be able to tell which service you manually mapped to a DPS by the additional Unmap Service link.
Creating a Custom DPS
Click the Add Service link on the right side of the unknown service entry and select Create Custom DPS.
You will need to provide a name for the custom DPS, select the appropriate category, and you can optionally provide a description of the custom DPS.
Click the Create button to finalize creating the new custom DPS.
Assigning to a Custom DPS
Click the Add Service link on the right side of the unknown service entry and select Assign Custom DPS.
Select the custom DPS you intent to map this service to.
Confirm by clicking the Assign Custom DPS button.
Mapping to a predefined DPS
Select the predefined DPS you intent to map this service to.
Confirm by clicking the Assign Predefined DPS button.
Unmapping a service
If you mapped a service to a wrong DPS by mistake, or simply don't want this service assigned to a specific DPS anymore, you can unassign the service by clicking on the Unmap Service link.
The service will revert to Service "unknown" and status Todo.
Unmapping the service will remove the blocker node from the auto blocking feature's instructions file and will subsequently not be blocked unless you manually apply mark up the the element that adds teh service to your page(s).
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