Below you can find answers to the questions we've anticipated you may have about our WordPress plugin.
Frequently asked questions
The Usercentrics Cookiebot WordPress Plugin allows you to implement both Cookiebot CMP and Usercentrics CMP, depending on whether you enter a CBID (Cookiebot) or a settings ID (Usercentrics).
The plugin ensures that the CMP script is injected before any other script, which is important if you intend to use the auto blocking feature.
The plugin also allows you to enable/disable additional features, like TCF and auto blocking.
Enter the Settings ID that refers to the configuration you want to use on your website in the Settings section of the plugin.
Yes! The plugin is indeed free, but you will need a Usercentics CMP subscription.
You can find our subscriptions plans on our pricing page.
Google Consent Mode support is enabled by default, but the plugin does allow you to disable it, should you for any reason wish to do so.
Our plugin is intended to implement either Cookiebot CMP or Usercentrics CMP. The plugin was originally intended to implement Cookiebot CMP exclusively and was expanded to to support both it and Usercentrics CMP.
The plugin's settings will change depending on whether you entered a Usercentrics Settings ID or a Cookiebot CBID.
The plugin provides a short code that injects a data processing service declaration. Additionally, you can configure whether it should be adequate for GDPR or TCF.
Furthermore, it allows you to select whether you want to display a singel service, all services, services and categories, or only categories.
Lastly, you can include toggles that allow your visitors to set or update their consent preferences.
Yes. Because we support Google Consent Mode which allows us to pass consent data to CMP it made sense to us to make it easy for you to add it to your website.
Simply toggle it on, enter your CMP container ID, and if you've renamed your dataLayer you can enter it here as well.
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