The first ever SDK initialisation requires active and stable Internet connection. After the first successful initialisation, the SDK will cache essential settings, and following initialisations will be much faster.
We recommend initialising the SDK in the background as soon as possible after app launch to avoid any loading delays.
In a scenario where the Internet connection is unstable or absent, the initialisation fails and an error is thrown. The following errors are most frequent ones:
Unable to initialise due to poor or no network connection:
This is typically caused by an unstable Internet connection on the first ever initialisation. The SDK does not yet have the cached essential settings data available to be able to initialise offline.
It is possible to review / tweak the SDK initialisation options. The overview of the initialisation options can be found here:
Unable to initialise due to wrong configuration, please make sure your settingsID/ruleSetID is correct:
This error is thrown when the Usercentrics SDK fails to find the settings ID or ruleset ID in our system. This is typically caused by:
- an incorrect value in the settings ID or ruleset ID
- entering both values at the same time
- DNS / VPN issues caused by the end user's network
Something went wrong during the initialisation:
Any other issues that are not covered above.
In case of an error during initialisation, please catch this error and continue the user flow as expected. We recommend to treat this as if the user did not give consent. The next time the SDK is initialised correctly, you should collect consent normally.
Our apps, games and Connected TV implementation documentation can be found here:
If you have any further questions or require further support, please feel free to reach to our support team by opening a ticket:
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